lucy's uhm place

:3 wwelcomeoww :3

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leave a comment! sorry if i dont aprove your comment in time,,,



soo i dont eggsactly knoww the diference betwween a blog and a diaryy,,, ill just use this place say wwhatever my mind tells me to say, my mind likes to speek sumtimes, so i let her thoughts out from time to time,

08/10/2024 10:36 - homestuc @ school

  • guys!!! i wwanna read homestudck but the school wwifi has it blocked 4 sum reason??' like it keeps giving me error and it sucks!! i wwanna read the silly comic wwahhhhh wwahhhh crying
06/10/2024 12:14 - intro

  • okay so ive been wworking on having a blog thingy or maybe a diary? idk wwhhat i could make this be, all i knoww is that i wwant this to be somewwhere i can just say wwhatevs and not feel any shame yk?