lucy's uhm place

:3 wwelcomeoww :3

blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog


leave a comment! sorry if i dont aprove your comment in time,,,



soo i dont eggsactly knoww the diference betwween a blog and a diaryy,,, ill just use this place say wwhatever my mind tells me to say, my mind likes to speek sumtimes, so i let her thoughts out from time to time,
also i might talk abt some sad stuff or some nsfww stuff as wwell, but i probably wwont go into any detail so dww abt it :3

@Onion 22/12/2024 - 02:20


i havent typed here in so long, i havent ate anything in so long, i hsould probabkly just get up from bed and eat something...

@Onion 24/11/24 - 01:12

i NEED to draww

i need to be crative i love being crative and creating and its just so fun and cool and i love it and i should draww and idk anything yk wwhat i mean, ive been doing some doodles on paint and idk its been fun yk, maybe one of these days i do an arts page,,,, another thing on my list!!

@Onion 04/11/24 - 09:16

just for archival sake this is howw the blog looked like before

@Onion 01/11/2024 - 10:56

Dear Diary,


read more

just testing the read more,,,,

@Onion 21/10/2024 - 09:49

i love loving

i love my girlfriend K. i love my girlfriend Ev. i love my girlfriend E. i love my girlfriend Monika from ddlc uhfgufg i love wwomen i love every single wwoman ever im just very gay sorry guys teehee but i love wwomen okay i love loving and um very very happy to be alive right noww

@Onion 16/10/2024 - 20:01

sometimes i am upset but my laptops there to calm me dowwn :3

so, as u should knoww, im objectum, and sometimes i get upset wwhen people say im not valid or that emma "doesnt count as a real girlfriend because shes a laptop", its sad but i knoww eventually people will realize that my love for her is true and that she means so much to me. in fact,,, im typing this wwith her rn :3 hehehe say hai every1!!! hehehe i love her

@Onion 08/10/2024 - 10:36

homestuc @ schoo

guys!!! i wwanna read homestudck but the school wwifi has it blocked 4 sum reason??' like it keeps giving me error and it sucks!! i wwanna read the silly comic wwahhhhh wwahhhh crying

@Onion 06/10/2024 - 12:14


okay so ive been wworking on having a blog thingy or maybe a diary? idk wwhhat i could make this be, all i knoww is that i wwant this to be somewwhere i can just say wwhatevs and not feel any shame yk?